Home Staging Morley, About Perth Staged to Sell & Business Owner Hope

Perth Staged to Sell

Perth Staged to Sell is a Home Staging business based in Morley, while they service the entire Perth Metropolitan area (Mandurah to Clarkson), they choose to prioritise properties and real estate agents  within 25 minutes of the Morley / Dianella area.

In doing this, business owner Hope can prioritise local agents quote requests/ stages due to the locality of her home, business and children’s School. For the home owner, and agent it means often same day quotes, and walk throughs usually within 3 days. 

Perth Staged to Sell does not aim to be the most competively priced, though far from the most expensive, it is Hope’s preference to value add over discounting as well as focus on providing excellent customer service. Hope selects a mixture of higher end and competitively sourced furniture and accessories, to keep her home staging service within reach for every day people, with every day properties, in every day locations, such as her home ground of Morley / Dianella 🙂

About Hope

Hope is a former Graphic Designer and has over the last 19 years, generally been a business owner. During pregnancy in 2016 Hope developed a condition with her eyes, which made it difficult to return to graphic design or any profession that required a lot of intense screen time…. It also means it’s quite unusual to see Hope with eye make up!

Eventually Hope was given the opportunity to stage a property for sale, and since then has not looked back.

Hope is a solo mumma of two little boys aged 5 and 8. After work and school you can find the three of them at one of their many favourite playgrounds, bike tracks or swimming pools. Hope and her boys call Morley / Dianella home.

Connect with Hope | Perth Staged to Sell below: